Dr. Peter Doherty Explains Implant Retained Dentures
Why Choose Implant Retained Dentures?
Dr. Peter Doherty Explains Implant Retained Dentures
We have helped many patients to enjoy the benefits of stable dentures through treatment with implant retained dentures. Between two and four implants can be used to anchor dentures in your mouth.
The implants peep out of your gums a tiny bit and the denture then clips onto these to secure itself into position.
Your dentures can be removed at night when you sleep and when you wish to clean them.
The Problem With Dentures
If you have dentures, you will be aware that they move around as you eat and speak. This tends to get worse over time because the jaw gradually shrinks when there are no teeth present.
Eventually there may be little bone for the dentures to rest on causing dentures to slip and slide, fall when speaking, or make chewing some foods impossible.
While dental implants are used to replace single teeth, implant retained dentures can be used to hold your dentures in place.
Cost Of Implant Retained Dentures
Implant retained dentures cost between €3,295 and €6,490 per arch depending on the number of implants required. Our full pricing can be found on our pricing page.
We offer payment plans at 3Dental, allowing you to pay 50% upfront, and then you can pay the balance over 12 months.
A minimum monthly payment of €200 per month is required.
Free Consultations Explained At 3Dental
Free Consultations & CT Scans
Free Consultations Explained At 3Dental
Please note that we provide free consultations to see if implant retained dentures might be suitable for you!
Please also note that a 3D CT scan is usually necessary for consultations for implant retained dentures.
We offer this scan at a reduced cost of €50, exclusively for use during your consultation. More information about this can be found on the 3D Scans For Implant Consultations page.
Benefits Of Implant Retained Dentures
No More Sticky Denture Adhesive
Improved Comfort When Wearing Dentures
Permanent Implant Dentures – Won’t Move or Fall Out
Improved Ability To Chew
Eat All The Foods You Really Like
Eliminates Embarrassment In Social Situations
Improve Your Confidence
Easy To Keep Clean
How Do Implant Retained Dentures Work?
- Your Initial Consultation
- 3D Scan to Assess Suitability
- Treatment Plan Devised
- All Costs Discussed Up Front
- The Treatment
- Aftercare
- Treatment Times
Your Initial Consultation
You can contact us by phone, email, or in person at one of our clinics to arrange your free consultation.
We will discuss the problems you currently have, then carry out an examination of your mouth followed by a three-dimensional CT scan.
3D Scan to Assess Suitability
Bone is the foundation for a dental implant and it is essential to determine whether adequate bone is available for your treatment.
To do this we take a high tech three dimensional CT scan of your mouth. This allows us to accurately determine the amount and quality of the bone available for implant placement. It also helps us to plan the treatment and decide where to place our implants.
The technology we have available allows us to take a scan of only a small section of the mouth, or the whole mouth as required by the number of teeth which need to be replaced.
Treatment Plan Devised
Using the information from your examination and CT scan we will provide you with a treatment plan which details the items of treatment required and gives you the exact costs of this treatment.
In cases where there is more than one option available you will receive a treatment plan for each option.
All Costs Discussed Up Front
We understand that when people decide to have dental treatment they are making a significant investment.
We aim to be as accurate as possible with the cost of treatment from the very outset. You will receive a full estimate of costs at your implant consultation.
Also, be sure to check out out pricing page.
The Treatment
When you have decided which treatment option is best for you we will arrange an appointment to place your implants.
On the day of your implant placement, your gums will be numbed, so that the procedure is completely painless.
Some people may wish to have the treatment carried out under sedation which makes you feel very relaxed.
Afterwards, it is advisable to take some normal painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for a day or two.
We review patients two weeks after implant placement to make sure that the area has healed up properly, and to check that the area is being cleaned properly.
More information can be found on our Dental Implant Aftercare page.
Treatment Times
After the implants are placed we must wait 3 months for them to bond with your jaw bone.
During this time you will be wearing your own denture or a temporary denture we have made for you.
After 3 months we begin to make your new implant denture which usually takes four visits.
The total average treatment time for implant retained dentures is 5 months.
Check Out Our Happy Implant Retained Denture Patients
We have improved 1,000's of smiles using implant retained dentures in our Dublin (Red Cow), Dublin 2 (Aungier Street), Limerick and Galway clinics.
But don't take our word for it!
Commonly Asked Questions
How do implant retained dentures work?
Implants are placed into the mouth which peep out of the gums. These implants are shaped to click onto special attachments within a denture and hold it securely in place.
Who are implant retained dentures suitable for?
People who have loose and uncomfortable dentures, or people who are unable to wear dentures because their gums have shrunk.
I don't have enough jaw bone to hold in a denture - am I suitable for dental implants?
Most people with loose dentures will have enough bone for dental implants.
We carry out a high tech three dimensional CT scan of your mouth at your initial consultation and will be able to determine how much bone you have from from this.
How long does it take?
Implant retained dentures usually take approximately 5 months from the time your implants go in to the time you get your final denture.
Can I change the colour of my teeth?
Yes, we will help you choose an appropriate colour for your teeth.
Generally people prefer to go for whiter teeth than they already have, but everyone has different preferences and we are happy to accommodate any requests.
Can I keep my old denture and just attach it to some implants?
In some cases this is possible, but generally it is better to have a new denture made to fit over the implants as accurately as possible.
Do implant retained dentures hurt?
No, the procedure itself is painless. We numb the gums so you won't feel a thing.
Afterwards, when the anaesthetic wears off it can be a bit tender, and we advise people to take painkillers for a few days to help with this.
How much does it cost?
Implant retained dentures cost between €3,295 and €6,490 per arch depending on the number of implants required.
For a more comprehensive price list, check out our price list page.
Are implant retained dentures available near me?
Yes! We provide implant retained dentures in each of our clinics - Dublin (Red Cow), Dublin 2 (Aungier Street), Limerick and Galway.
Book your free consultation today! We look forward to welcoming you in person soon :)
Why are implant retained dentures better than dentures?
Implant-retained dentures offer several advantages over traditional dentures.
With implant-retained dentures, the dentures are secured to individual dental implants, providing a more stable and secure fit.
This improves chewing efficiency and prevents denture slippage, enhancing overall comfort and confidence for the patient.
Furthermore, implant-retained dentures promote better bone preservation by stimulating the underlying jawbone, preventing bone loss.
Where do implant supported denture rings fit in the process?
Implant support denture rings are an integral part of the process for implant-retained dentures.
These rings are typically attached to your dental implants, providing a secure connection between the implants and the denture.
The rings serve as a means to anchor and stabilize the denture, improving its fit and comfort.
What are the differences between implant-retained dentures and implant-supported dentures?
The difference is that the implant-retained dentures hold the implants in place.
In contrast, with implant-supported dentures (also known as implant supported overdentures), the implants absorb the biting forces and hold the denture in position.
How can I keep my implant retained dentures clean?
Here are some tips to ensure proper cleaning:
- Daily brushing
- Rinse dentures after meals
- Remove dentures overnight
- Regular dental check-ups
- Proper storage of your dentures
What are implant-retained hybrid dentures?
This term is often incorrectly used to describe our smile in a day (or all on four) treatment.
However, we refrain from using this term as it doesn't accurately represent our dental bridge in terms of comfort, appearance, stability or function.
Ready for the Next Step? Book Your Free Consultation
Our team of experienced implantologists are waiting to hear from you. Book your free consultation today.
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