There is a lot of terminology that can go with orthodontics, so in this post we attempt to decode it for you and explain in detail what both incognito and lingual braces are.
We will also go one step further by introducing the type of braces that we recommend here at 3Dental.
It's worth mentioning that we don't provide either incognito or lingual braces at 3Dental. This is because they are too expensive and have been superseded by more impressive teeth straightening technology. Dr. Paul O'Connell
Instead, we provide:
The purpose of this post is to educate you guys on what incognito and lingual braces are - and then discuss our preferred orthodontic treatments for our patients - based on straightening 1,000's of smiles!
Lingual Braces Explained
1. What are lingual braces?
Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces that are placed on the inner surface of the teeth near the tongue (hence lingual).
Lingual braces are train track type braces that rely on wires and brackets to push the teeth into the desired position. Dr. Paul O'Connell
They are popular with patients who require braces but don’t want people to see that they are wearing braces.
2. Are lingual braces more painful?
Not really, no.
However, because the braces are on the inside of the teeth they do tend to irritate the tongue a bit more but patients do get used to them, the same as traditional braces.
3. Are lingual braces effective?
Yes they are, they can work very well although in our experience they can be a little slower to move teeth and appointments, especially fitting and adjusting can take a little longer.
Because they are positioned on the inside of teeth they can be a little more problematic to place initially. They also require that the orthodontist is specially trained in the placement and use of lingual braces.
4. Do lingual braces cost more?
Yes they do. Lingual braces require us to take a mould of your teeth which is then sent to a specialist lab for manufacture.
For this reason they typically cost from €6,000 to €8,000 euro.
5. How do you eat with lingual braces?
You can eat the same as with traditional braces, but they do require a lot of cleaning and attention and the patient needs to be shown how to properly clean them.
As with traditional braces we recommend that you try to avoid certain types of food, eg crisps, sticky foods and very hard foods (chicken wings, for example).
6. Do lingual braces give you a lisp?
All braces when first placed can affect your speech including giving you a lisp. In time though (usually over a few days) your speech should return to normal.
Incognito Braces Explained
1. How long do incognito braces take?
That depends on what bite problems or tooth movement is required.
Very crowded or spaced teeth or difficult bite problems do tend to take longer to fit and, in our experience, lingual braces do take longer to fix teeth than traditional braces.
2. Are incognito braces more expensive?
Incognito are a type (brand) of lingual braces. All lingual braces cost more than normal braces as they are more costly to fit and take longer.
Typically, incognito (or all lingual braces) cost between €6,000 - €8,000.
3. Do incognito braces hurt?
Not really. All braces (including lingual) are fine when placing and don’t hurt to put on.
At first, they will feel strange and many patients report that they can be uncomfortable for the first week as the teeth start to move.
This usually settles within a week or so. Braces don’t generally hurt when they are being adjusted other than some minor pressure on the tooth being tightened.
4. What are the differences between incognito and lingual braces?
Incognito are a type (brand) of lingual brace. They are made in a lab from a mould taken of your teeth. They work the same as all lingual braces do.
As with all lingual braces they are placed using a special customised tray and bonded to the teeth.
3Dental Recommended Braces
An introduction to Invisalign
1. Is Invisalign better than braces? Why?
Invisalign explained by Dr. Paula Taracido - Invisalign
Invisalign is a clear aligner type of braces and moves the teeth in a different way to traditional braces.
It pushes the teeth into the desired pre-determined position. The position of the teeth will be mapped out using a computer image before the aligners are placed.
In addition the aligners can be removed for eating and drinking unlike traditional braces which are bonded on and cannot be removed.
Many people love that Invisalign is basically invisible (clear aligners) so that no one can see you are wearing braces. This is often very desirable for adults who work with the public.
2. Can Invisalign fix an overbite?
Invisalign can correct most tooth positions and bite problems e.g. overbites, overjets.
At 3Dental, we tend to recommend traditional (clear or metal) braces for significant bite problems. This is because traditional braces work quicker and are more predictable when fixing large bite problems. Dr. Paul O'Connell
For patients with overbites/overjets and who don’t want to be seen to be wearing braces we can recommend clear braces which are very discreet.
3. Can I switch from braces to Invisalign?
Very occasionally at 3Dental we get asked by patients to switch from braces to Invisalign or vice versa.
We can do this but there is an additional cost involved which we pass on to the patient. Our orthodontist will be happy to explain all this to you on your free initial consultation.
Orthodontics is one of the main treatments that we provide here in our Dublin (Red Cow), Dublin 2 (Aungier Street), Limerick or Galway clinics at 3Dental.
We have many, many happy patients that we have had the pleasure of treating. You can see and hear from these great people on our Smile Gallery and Testimonials pages.
In an effort to allow you to get all your questions answered, before you make any decisions, we offer free consultations. This removes any risk on your side and allows you to see if you would be suitable for an orthodontic treatment.
Get in touch today. We would love to hear from you :)