All On 6 Dental Implants

Dr. Peter Doherty Explains The All On 6 Treatment

All On 6 Dental Implants

All On 6 Dental Implants

Dr. Peter Doherty Explains The All On 6 Treatment

All-on-6 dental implants are a viable solution for people with failing or missing teeth. They're also a permanent solution and offer more stability than dentures.

We typically recommend All-on-6 implants when a patient is younger or has low bone density in their jaw, as they provide more support and can ensure the implants last long into the future.

Dental implants are a lasting investment if you want to transform your smile permanently and enjoy better oral health.

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What Are All-on-6 Dental Implants?

Lindsey Feeney's Life Changing Testimonial

What Are All-on-6 Dental Implants?

What Are All-on-6 Dental Implants?

Lindsey Feeney's Life Changing Testimonial

All-on-6 implants use six titanium implants placed strategically into the jaw bone. The implants are anchors for artificial teeth, and the gums gradually fuse to them, ensuring stability.

Dental implant surgery is a long-lasting solution, making it popular for people who want to enhance their smile. If your natural teeth are missing, cracked or impact your aesthetic appearance, 3Dental can help you build confidence and improve oral functionality with same day teeth.

How Much Do All-on-6 Implants Cost?

Trisha Lawton's Life Changing Testimonial

How Much Do All-on-6 Implants Cost?

How Much Do All-on-6 Implants Cost?

Trisha Lawton's Life Changing Testimonial

Dental implants are an investment, and installing six implants costs more than the All-on-4 treatment. Their stability and ability to function as natural teeth would make implants a popular decision.

Your treatment costs depend on whether you require bone grafting before implant placement.

Prices start at €13,200 per arch, but 3Dental clients can take advantage of convenient payment plans, including Humm finance.

All On 6 Case Study

All On 6 Case Study

All On 6 Case Study

In the video in this panel, Dr. Peter Doherty walks you through a detailed case study of the all on 6 treatment for one of his patients.

You’ll get a clear overview of what’s involved in the all on 6 treatment and how it can transform a person's life.

Our patients always tell us that this treatment is the best they’ve ever done.

Book Your Free Consultation
What Are The Next Steps?

Dr. Peter Doherty Discusses The Free Consultation & Treatment Process

What Are The Next Steps?

What Are The Next Steps?

Dr. Peter Doherty Discusses The Free Consultation & Treatment Process

To determine your suitability for treatment, we offer free consultations as well as a discounted CT scan.

During your consultation, we’ll be able to determine whether you have sufficient bone quality to take implants.

Once we know this, we’ll be able to provide you with a quotation and walk you through everyhting that’s involved. As well as answer any questions you may have.

We’ll also take scans of your face and mouth - this is for aesthetic reasons - to make sure your smile correctly matches your face and smile.

Watch Peter’s video on this panel for more information.

Book Your Free Consultation

What Should I Expect When I Get All-on-6 Implants?

A New Smile In One Day!

Most patients can enjoy a full set of teeth on the same day as their implant placement.

Enjoy A Wide Range Of Food!

Unlike dentures, implants are permanently fixed, making it easier to enjoy a wide range of foods and not worry about them slipping.

Transform Your Smile & Boost Your Confidence

Tooth loss can cause facial sagging and impact your confidence. Dental implants transform your smile, boost confidence and replicate natural teeth.

Long-Lasting, Durable & Convenient

Traditional dentures can slip around, decreasing dental function. You can clean them like normal teeth, and they'll last for years.

Improve Bone Health

Dental implants can stimulate jaw bone growth, reducing the risks of deterioration and bone loss.

All-on-6 Dental Implants Treatment Process

  • Initial Assessment
  • 3D Scan
  • Treatment Plan
  • Implant Placement
  • Fitting A Temporary Prosthesis
  • More Information & Aftercare
Initial Assessment
Initial Assessment
Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment

All prospective patients receive a free consultation with no obligation to choose us for your All-on-6 treatment.

During the appointment, a dentist will discuss your needs and what you want to achieve.

3D Scan
3D Scan
3D Scan

3D Scan

3D CT scans enable us to assess your full mouth and assess bone quality to see whether you can have implants, and determine the best positions for each implant.

In some cases, we might recommend a bone graft to ensure the implants have sufficient foundations.

Treatment Plan
Treatment Plan
Treatment Plan

Treatment Plan

The video in this panel is a detailed walk-through of our treatment plan.

We start off by taking the shape of your face and how you want your smile to look into consideration.

Based on this, we design your temporary bridge - digitally in our lab.

This process allows us to provide you with a perfect smile in just 1 day.

Implant Placement
Implant Placement

Implant Placement

The dentist will strategically place six titanium implants into the jaw bone.

We already have a treatment plan based on your CT scan that speeds up the process on the day, and all treatment is carried out under sedation and local anaesthetic.

Fitting A Temporary Prosthesis
Fitting A Temporary Prosthesis
Fitting A Temporary Prosthesis

Fitting A Temporary Prosthesis

On the day of your surgery, once your implants have been placed, and our dental technicians have created your temporary bridge, we'll bring you back into the treatment room to fit it.

The process takes around 15 minutes, and you can go home and begin recovery immediately afterwards.

More Information & Aftercare
More Information & Aftercare
More Information & Aftercare

More Information & Aftercare

The temporary bridge will stay in place for three months; then, you'll come in for another appointment.

We'll check how your gums have healed and take new scans of your temporary bridge and your mouth.

Our technicians will use this information to copy the shape of your temporary prosthesis and use digital technology to craft the final porcelain teeth. You'll return in 2-3 weeks to have the completed final bridge fitted.

For more information on our aftercare advice, check out 'Teeth In A Day Aftercare Instructions'.

What Our Patients Say

What Our Patients Say

It Was The Best Investment I've Ever Made In My Entire Life!

They've given me back my confidence - I'm able to smile again! I felt like singing from the rooftops!

Compilation (Smile in a day & Dental Implants)
Watch Now
dental implant and smile in a day testimonials - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I can't take the smile off my face now. You would never know it's an implant.

I can't stop smiling. It's (the dental implant) the right colour. It's the right shape. It's beyond my expectations. It's phenomenal!

Theresa Lowe (Dental Implant)
Watch Now
dental implants testimonial - theresa lowe - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I Was Delighted That They Could Fix My Smile - Without It Costing Me An Arm And A Leg!

I came to 3Dental to get all on 4 treatment (or smile in a day). My family were blown away with the change in just 24 hours!

Dara Fahy (Smile In A Day)
Watch Now
all on 4 implant testimonial - 3dental - Dara Fahy Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

It's Fantastic! I'm Going Around With Confidence And A Smile When I Talk To People.

I was looking at going abroad but everything is on my doorstep here. I wouldn't look back.

George Holden (Implant Retained Dentures)
Watch Now
teeth in a day testimonial - george holden - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

(My teeth are) Much better, 100% more confidence, it's unbelievable!

It helps an awful lot - it gives you that bit more confidence. I can't thank them enough!

Michael Murphy (Implant Retained Dentures)
Watch Now
Michael Murphy - Testimonial - Implant Retained Dentures - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

It's amazing to.. just eat stuff normally!

I'm less self-conscious or embarrassed. I feel amazing because I don't have any of that (self-consciousness or embarrassment) anymore!

Andrew (Multidisciplinary Smile Reconstruction)
Watch Now
Dental implants - Andrew Smith - 3Dental Watch Video
dental implant and smile in a day testimonials - 3dental
dental implants testimonial - theresa lowe - 3dental
all on 4 implant testimonial - 3dental - Dara Fahy
teeth in a day testimonial - george holden - 3dental
Michael Murphy - Testimonial - Implant Retained Dentures - 3Dental
Dental implants - Andrew Smith - 3Dental

What Our Patients Say

It's The Best Investment I've Ever Made In My Entire Life! A Huge Confidence Boost!

I wanted to get it done here in Ireland so that I'd have the aftercare and everything. The comfort of having the guys here is brilliant!

Trisha Lawton (Smile In A Day)
Watch Now
Smile in a day testimonial - Trisha Lawton - Thumbnail Watch Video
Smile in a day testimonial - Trisha Lawton - Thumbnail

Ready for the Next Step? Book Your Free Consultation

Our team of experienced implantologists are waiting to hear from you. Book your free consultation today.

Enquire Now View Pricing Options

Visit Our Clinics In Dublin (Red Cow), Dublin 2 (Aungier Street), Limerick Or Galway

13-16 Redmond's Hill, Aungier Street, Dublin 2, D02 RP46

The Red Cow Complex, Naas Rd, Fox-And-Geese, Dublin, D22 KV24

Old Quarter House, Little Ellen St, Limerick, V94 D72V

28, Briarhill Business Park, Galway, H91 C9DR

All-on-6 Dental Implant Treatment Reviews

Deborah Coombes

“My mam asked me to write this review on her behalf. Yesterday she had all the teeth removed from the top and implants fitted top and bottom. She then had her temporary teeth fitted and will return...”

Commonly Asked Questions

Am I suitable for the All-on-6 Dental Implants treatment?

That depends on your oral health and whether you've experienced significant bone loss.

During your consultation, we'll assess your jaw and determine whether you can have six dental implants.

If we don't feel it's the right choice, your dentist will discuss alternatives.

How long does the All-on-6 procedure take?

We'll complete the implant placement procedure and fit your temporary fixed prosthesis in one day.

Typically, surgery on the day takes 2-2.5 hours.

You'll then heal for three months and return for us to begin the final porcelain teeth.

From start to finish this process usually takes 4 months.

Are there any age limits?

While there aren't set age limits, it is not possible to place implants until jaw growth is complete at around 21 years of age.

There is no upper age limited provided you are medically healthy.

Do All-on-6 dental implants hurt?

It depends. Some people feel no pain and can return to everyday activities, while others feel mild discomfort.

Taking painkillers can help your recovery, and the vast majority don't experience significant pain.

Can I get All-on-6 dental implants near me?

If you live in Dublin (Red Cow), Dublin 2 (Aungier Street), Limerick or Galway, 3Dental can support you. We also treat patients throughout Ireland, preventing the need to travel abroad.

You deserve the best possible treatment, and we aim to exceed your expectations.

What is the difference between All-on-6 dental implants and the normal dental implant?

The main difference is the number of implants, as a traditional dental implant replaces one tooth, while All-on-6 places six implants that support an entire arch of teeth.

What are the alternative treatments to All-on-6 Implants?

The most popular alternatives to All-on-6 treatments include:

  • Dentures: Removable appliances that replace a full or partial set of teeth. The main problem is that dentures can slip around, but implant-retained dentures can be beneficial.
  • Dental bridges: A dental bridge is a fixed restoration that replaces missing teeth by filling the gap between existing teeth.
  • All-on-4 implants: If you have sufficient bone density,and volume, All-on-4 implants can be more convenient.

Who is suitable to All-on-6 dental implants?

While All-on-4 dental implants are also an option, we recommend placing six implants for patients with:

Low Bone Density: People with low jaw bone density often find four implants offer insufficient support. Using six dental implants provides more anchorage and ensures longer-lasting results.

Bite Force: Strong bite forces often put excess pressure on the teeth. Adding two extra implants provides more support for the implant bridge, and takes the pressure off each individual implant.

Younger Patients: A minimum of four dental implants is required to replace a full jaw of teeth (ie all-on-four). If one of these implants fails in the future then the whole treatment fails. We favour placing more implants in younger patients to provide some insurance against this event. If one or even two implants fail in an all-on-six then the treatment will still continue to function.

Bone Availability: Large sinuses can compromise bone availability near the molars and premolars, requiring the implants to be bunched towards the front of the mouth.

By adding two additional implants at the very back of the mouth in what is known as the pterygoid region, we can overcome the challenges posed by the presence of large sinuses.